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Events & Happenings

Theme Day at Mochi Joy: April Fools Day themed donuts, lattes, and cake scoops 

Tuesday, April 1st while supplies last

at Mochi Joy: 8664 E 96th Street, Fishers


Dubai Chocolate Pop-up with Sweets by Rabiya

Saturday, April 5th from 11 am to 3 pm

inside Mochi Joy: 8664 E 96th Street, Fishers


Mokao Coffee and Chocolate Festival

Saturday, April 12th from 10 am to 2 pm

at The Stutz in Indianapolis, Indiana


Theme Week at Mochi Joy: National Banana Week themed donuts, lattes, sticky bread, and cake scoops

from April 14th to April 20th

at Mochi Joy: 8664 E 96th Street, Fishers


Mochi Easter Brunch

Bananas Foster & Cinnamon Roll French Toast Wafflemodos and NA Peach Bellinis

Saturday, April 19th from 10 am to 2 pm

at Mochi Joy: 8664 E 96th Street, Fishers


Saraga International Food Festival 

Saturday, April 26th and Sunday, April 27th

at Saraga Castleton: 8448 Center Run Drive, Castleton


Theme Week at Mochi Joy: Matcha Week themed lattes, matcha, and cake scoops

from April 28th to May 4th

at Mochi Joy: 8664 E 96th Street, Fishers


Rev Indy

Saturday, May 3rd

at The Indianapolis Motor Speedway, Indianapolis


Cherry Blossom Festival 

Sunday, May 4th from 1 to 4 pm

at The Kawachinagano Japanese Garden, Carmel

For more information, follow us @mochijoydonuts or send us an email at